About The Signalling Programme
Banedanmark is currently deploying the new signalling systems on the main and regional lines. The task is expected to be completed by 2030.

The replacement of all signalling on the entire Banedanmark railway network with ERTMS and all signalling on the Copenhagen city link with CBTC.
Banedanmark is in the midst of a complete renovation of the outdated Danish signalling installations on the main and regional railway lines (Fjernbanen).
ERTMS is a modern IT-based system where all data between safety systems and the trains is transmitted through radio. ERTMS is a European standard system for railways which will enable trains to operate border crossing traffic as it gradually replaces the national signalling systems in Europe.
The new signalling systems will cause fewer delays, provide opportunity for increased speed and more trains on the lines. Banedanmark expects an 80% decline in signal-related delays on main and regional lines and a 50% decline on the Copenhagen City Link (S-bane) as a result of the new signalling systems.
The system will provide an increased more homogenous level of safety countrywide. Future maintenance will be more economical and the system will provide an unprecedented foundation for better centralized traffic control, energy optimization, and on-time passenger information.
Denmark is the first country within Europe to implement digital signalling systems nationally.
Banedanmark is currently deploying the new signalling systems on the regional lines with their two contracted suppliers. It is an extremely complex task with many complications and dependencies.
The Copenhagen City Link (S-bane) was completed in 2022
The old analogue signalling system as replaced on the S-bane between 2016-2022 which a new modern signalling system (CBTC). The replacement was necessary due to the worn out state of the old analogue system which was a main contributor to delays.Since the completion of the replacement the S-bane has operated with record high punctuality. In the year between September 2022 and September 2023, 96,4% of passengers arrived on time.