Adjusted Target Group for Guidelines for the approval of contractors

Guidelines for the approval of contractors providing rail safety services have been updated to version 2.3.

Once more dialogue with contractors and internal dialogue in Banedanmark has led to a new and improved version of the "Guidelines for the approval of contractors who provide railway safety services" to Banedanmark. The updated version is version 2.3.


Prior to the update, Quality & Safety held two entrepreneurial meetings in Copenhagen and Fredericia, respectively. At the meetings Quality & Safety informed about the intended changes to the "Guidelines".


“The dialogue with the contractors we work with is incredibly important. At the two entrepreneurial meetings, we had a constructive talk with the contractors about the Guidelines and the upcoming update. Subsequently, we have discussed the various inputs to see if adjustments should be made in relation to the planned update” says Allan Weirgang Larsen, Lead Auditor in Quality & Safety.


The main message at the entrepreneurial meeting was that the "Guidelines" are now targeted at the contractors who carry out the work in which the railway safety services are included.


Entrepreneurs does not necessarily have to be approved themselves if they use approved subcontractors to perform all the safety work for them.


The focus is also placed on the executing contractor in relation to use of rolling stock (with and without certificate). The executing contractor is responsible for managing and maintaining rolling stock. It has been clarified in the "Guidelines" that this also applies to borrowed, rented or leased equipment. The requirement for management and maintenance, including documentation requirements, applies during the periods when the rolling stock is used.


Companies does not need to be approved if their sole function is to lend or lease rolling stock to other contractors. 


Further information about the changes and any questions

In the "Newsletter on Rail Safety, Working Environment and Education" (December 2018) you can read an article that lists the latest updates to the "Guidelines", "Reading Guidelines", etc. You can find the "Newsletter" (which is only available in Danish) on our website: Nyhedsbrev om Jernbanesikkerhed, Arbejdsmiljø og Uddannelser (December 2018) .


You can also go directly to the updated "Guidelines" (only available in Danish) by using this link: af entreprenører


If you have any questions regarding "Guidelines for contractors who provide railway safety services to Banedanmark", you are always welcome to write to: