Launching an agreement for a common Nordic approach to BIM
The 5th October 2017 an agreement was signed between public road and rail administration representatives from Denmark (Banedanmark and Vejdirektoratet), Finland (Finnish Transport Agency), Norway (Statens Vegvesen, Nye Veier & Bane NOR), and Sweden (Trafikverket).
BIM – Building Information Modeling – is an integrated method to digitize a construction process. Throughout the construction’s lifecycle from idea to demolition, digital models will be in focus for all the project’s activities and for the collaboration between various parties. BIM is both a model and a work method. BIM means closer corporation between partners and implicates all participants in a project.
Our agreement is called Nordic Road and Rail BIM Collaboration. Please, read our Memorandum of Understanding.
This Nordic corporation is established to exchanges experiences on BIM and to influence international standardization within this area.
The agreement was signed by responsible for implementing BIM from each organization, and Ingemar Lewén from the Trafikverket (the Swedish Transport Administration) was elected as chairman.
For further information, please contact us at: