Hearing on new Railway safety standard

Banedanmark has together with Dansk Standard developed a draft to a new Railway safety standard. This is now sent to a hearing. Comments are welcome. Please, find and fill in Danish template at Dansk Standards website. Here, you may also read more about the new standard DS21001 (in Danish) that will replace our current “Retningslinjer for godkendelse af entreprenører, der leverer jernbanesikkerhedsmæssige ydelser”, which Banedanmark uses today.
Contractors, that use e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 45001 or ISO 14001, will easier integrate current standard with the new standard.
After the hearing, comments will be evaluated by the committee, and they might alter the finale version of the new standard. The standard is expected to be released in August 2020 and will subsequently be translated to English.