Trafikverket's Supplier Day

Senior Market Consultant Cathrine Carøe from Strategic Procurement in Banedanmark gave a speech on upcoming tenders at Trafikverket's Supplier Conference in Stockholm for international suppliers April.
The conference gave opportunity to:
Find options to do business.
Contribute to increase number of bits per tender.
Encourage to increase productivity and more innovation in projects.
Create network between Nordic infrastructure providers and international suppliers.
The main topic for the day was future projects tendered out in 2019-2022 on the Scandinavian market. From Denmark, Banedanmark and Vejdirektoratet participated. Also, infrastructure providers from Norway, Finland, and Sweden participated.
Cathrine Carøe told about several large construction projects and outsourcing projects of which you already can find some of in our Tender Plan. Besides, she and Ulrik Millbrandt Larsen from Vejdirektoratet shortly mentioned the Danish Government’s recent suggestion on new potential projects for railway and roads.
The conference was visited by companies from all over the world and more than 750 persons participated.
There was big interest in meeting Banedanmark and Vejdirektoratet at the dialogue stations in the breaks between the interesting speeches. General Manager Peter Iversen and Senior Market Consulant Cathrine Carøe did a lot of networking.
Read Banedanmark's presentation.
You can find our future tenders at our online Tender Plan.
Please, click until you find the right column and you can read it in English. You are welcome to contact project managers for more information.
Find our current tenders at EU-Supply.