Whistleblower Service

Banedanmark establishes whistleblower service.
Read about how it works and what to do.

Banedanmark establishes whistleblower service

On January 1st, Banedanmark’s new whistleblower service was launched. Additional to Banedanmark employees, suppliers and contractors are also able to report illegal or unacceptable circumstances related to Banedanmark via the whistleblower system. The incident reports go directly to the Legal Advisor at the Government for assessment.

The whistleblower service allows you to report severe, critical and illegal circumstances for instance bribery, extortion, embezzlement, theft, falsification of documents, account related manipulation etc.


The incident reports must involve Banedanmark or Banedanmark’s suppliers or contractors. Neighbors to the railway, passengers etc. cannot report incidents in the whistleblower service.

Read more about the whistleblower service and find a link directly to the external system in English.