Construction Conference in Copenhagen

Meet developers on future construction projects in Scandinavia

Banedanmark will speak at Building Network Construction Conference 2018 for Scandinavian developers Thursday November in central Copenhagen at Hotel Marriott. Building Network invites an international audience of foreign companies to hear much more about upcoming construction projects in Scandinavia and to consider their future expansion in the region.


Senior Market Consultant, Cathrine Carøe from Strategic Procurement, will present how companies can become suppliers to Banedanmark and she will also present which future railway infrastructure projects and upcoming tenders Banedanmark has. Besides international contractors and advisors Banedanmark also welcomes a broad range of technical railway suppliers e.g.:


  • Heaters for switches (turnouts); a system that, in a sustainable way, can heat up switches, so rails in the switch don’t freeze during the winter days.
  • Masts of steel or chrome. E.g. Corten masts (Corten masts are coated so they have a rusty-red look).
  • Insulators.
  • Glued insulated rail joints (of e.g. plastic, rubber or something else) for rails to insulate electricity from rail section to rail section.


The purpose of the construction conference is for developers to meet the market as they will be heavily investing in new infrastructure, high-rise buildings, offices, hotels, apartments, data centers, hospitals, research facilities and more. The Swedish railway and road infrastructure provider, Trafikverket, will present major projects in Sweden. The City of Copenhagen will present an ambitious endeavour of construction of a new island to address the high demand for residential housing and to improve the capital’s infrastructure.


You will have plenty of opportunity to network and speed date with developers, advisors, general turnkey and specialized contractors, as well as suppliers to the construction industry and potential partners and suppliers.


The conference is in English and you register your interest in attending at Building Network’s homepage.


Photo: Jan Sejr Lundstrøm - "Valbytunnellen"