Qualification System

Banedanmark purchases goods and services on a competitive tendered basis from pre-qualified suppliers enrolled in the Qualification System.

In order to pre-qualify, your company must apply for admission for each of the specific services you wish to be invited to bid for. As a supplier, you can apply for ongoing admission. In order to be admitted to the Qualification System, there is a pre-requisite that you as a company meet the requirements set for service in question.


In relation to the application for registering for Banedanmark’s Qualification System, we would like to point out that the European Commission decided to restrict access to the Danish ESPD service on 2nd May 2019. We therefore recommend that applicants either use the Belgian ESPD on the site, or contact kvalifikationsordning@bane.dk which will allow Banedanmark to invite applicants to complete the ESPD via EU-Supply.


You can see the current goods and services for which there is a Qualification System in the table below. Here, you will also find information on the scope of the scheme, and what requirements are placed on your business in order to be admitted. Admission to the scheme is not a guarantee of winning contracts, but your company will be pre-approved to allow it to be invited to bid on our projects.


If you wish to be invited to submit bids, you must also register your company on Banedanmark’s tender portal from EU-Supply.

Qualification for contractors for construction and renewal tasks 

Bekendtgørelse TED_DW
Confirmation regarding another unit_DW
Qualification scheme for organizations undertaking construction and renewal projects for Banedanmark