Procurement, tender, invoicing

Banedanmark procures railway infrastructure

Welcome to Banedanmark’s pages for you, who wants to become a supplier or already is a supplier. You have various opportunities to sell your services and goods to us. As we are a public organization, we follow rules for public authorities.

The way we procure depends, among other things, on value, and what we procure. 

Are you e.g. supplier of components, then you can f.inst. become subsupplier to companies that bid on our tenders. 

Tender: Tenders are announced at Tenders Electronic Daily. You will also find Banedanmark’s upcoming, current, and completed tenders at our Tender Plan on our webpage. You can subscribe to incoming tenders and receive updates on tenders within a specific category. You may also find upcoming construction tenders listed here (click here).

Qualification System (Kvalifikationsordning): Banedanmark tender out services and products in competition among a selection of prequalified suppliers, who have been admitted in our qualification system. You may find more information on the qualification system and on demands to your application in each qualification system on the list. You may apply in English though our descriptions still are in Danish.

Catalog of products (Varekatalog): Counselors, who are making a list of deliveries (bygherreleverance liste) can find Banedanmark number on materials and products as well as a detailed description on technical rail way goods in our catalog.

SKI (Statens og Kommunernes Indkøb): We buy certain types of products and services on common public Danish agreements (fællesstatslige SKI aftaler) as Agency for Modernisation (Moderniseringsstyrelsen) tender out.