Meeting for suppliers of services associates with railway safety
Meeting: 11 May 2022. Registration deadline : 20 April 2022.

Tightened travel restrictions
Testing of foreign labour upon entering Denmark

New Tender: Track maintenance in West Jutland
Banedanmark are tendering track maintenance in West Jutland

Corona support for suppliers
Banedanmark is supporting the private sector by paying early, prepaying and co-financing to keep the wheels turning during the corona crisis.

COVID-19 Information letter regarding the execution of projects in the field
We are aware that the current situation sets the contractors working for Banedanmark in a challenging situation. We fully understand that the spread of COVID-19 can have severe personnel and financial consequences for everyone.

Hearing on new Railway safety standard
Read more and send comments before May 5.Th. 2020

Banedanmark advance our payments
Due to the corona situation Banedanmark advance our payments to our suppliers

Delivery and payment
The work and supply must continue as usual

New tender: Concrete platform elements
We are tendering a framework agreement for procurement of precast concrete platform elements

Banedanmark secures railway infrastructure
Information on consequences and precautionary measures in relation to the Corona Virus

Technology company wins Banedanmark’s crowdsourcing challenge
In fierce competition with 20 other participants, Swiss company SCS won the first prize in Banedanmark's international challenge for digital specialists.

Speak at Building Network Construction Conference
Update: Banedanmark is Keynote Speaker at international conference for suppliers in Copenhagen 19. Th. November

Digitisation of cable drawings
From old drawings to vector graphic
Create an innovative digital solution with Banedanmark, Denmark's infrastructure manager

RAILcph conference in Copenhagen
Did you meet us at RAILcph in Copenhagen 6.th May? Find presentations here.

Trafikverket's Supplier Day
Presentation of Banedanmark's future projects and tenders for an international audience

3 market dialogues on future outsourcing tenders
Potential contractors are welcome to submit advice and opinions